(object) array(
'id' => '7745840',
'url' => 'FR/experimental_treatment',
'image' => '',
'title' => 'Traitement expérimental',
'tags' =>
array (
0 => 'Traitement expérimental',
1 => 'Pharmaceutical',
2 => 'Clinical trials',
3 => '',
'term' => 'Traitement expérimental',
'source_id' => 1259724,
'type' => 'term',
'namespace' => 1244,
'nstext' => 'FR',
'industry' =>
array (
0 => 'Pharmaceutical',
'category' =>
array (
0 => 'Clinical trials',
'lastedit' => '20150721084114',
'part_of_speech' => 'noun',
'creation_user' => 'LinguaDiligence',
'special_term' => '',
'definition' => 'Le nouveau médicament ou thérapie testé dans l\'essai clinique.',
'usage_comment' => '',
'glossary' => '',
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'_version_' => 1507294573052821507,
'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)',
's_attr' =>
(object) array(
'Term' => 'experimental treatment',
'Definition' => 'The new drug or therapy being tested in the clinical trial.',
'Part of Speech' => 'noun',
'Usage Status' => 'New',
'Industry' => 'Pharmaceutical',
'Product Category' => 'Clinical trials',
'Creation User' => 'John Martin',
'Creation Date' => '2011/5/16',
'Source Lang' => '1180',
's_namespace_text' => 'EN',
's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)',
's_title' => 'experimental_treatment',
experimental treatment
The new drug or therapy being tested in the clinical trial.
Traitement expérimental
Le nouveau médicament ou thérapie testé dans l'essai clinique.
Pharmaceutical; Clinical trials
(object) array(
'id' => '6229325',
'url' => 'FR/informed_consent_ââ',
'image' => '',
'title' => 'Consentement éclairé',
'tags' =>
array (
0 => 'Consentement éclairé',
1 => 'Medical devices',
2 => 'Pharmaceutical',
3 => 'Clinical trials',
4 => 'National Library of Medicine',
5 => '',
'term' => 'Consentement éclairé',
'source_id' => 4011444,
'type' => 'term',
'namespace' => 1244,
'nstext' => 'FR',
'industry' =>
array (
0 => 'Medical devices',
1 => 'Pharmaceutical',
'category' =>
array (
0 => 'Clinical trials',
'company' =>
array (
0 => 'National Library of Medicine',
'lastedit' => '20150727104711',
'part_of_speech' => 'noun',
'creation_user' => 'LinguaDiligence',
'special_term' => '',
'definition' => 'Un processus dans lequel les chercheurs communiquent avec les participants potentiels et inscrits dans une Ă©tude clinique. Ceci est lorsque les chercheurs : # fournissent toutes les informations importantes concernant l\'Ă©tude, de sorte que les participants potentiels peuvent dĂ©cider de s\'y inscrire (ou si elles sont inscrites, de continuer Ă participer) ; # s\'assurent que les participants potentiels comprennent les risques et les bĂ©nĂ©fices potentiels de participer Ă l\'Ă©tude, et les alternatives Ă l\'Ă©tude conduite ; et # soulignent que l\'inscription Ă une Ă©tude clinique (et de rester dedans) est entiĂšrement volontaire. Parce que donner son consentement pour participer Ă la recherche n\'est pas un contrat, les participants peuvent quitter une Ă©tude Ă tout moment. Le but du processus de consentement Ă©clairĂ© est de protĂ©ger les participants. Il commence quand un participant potentiel demande au dĂ©but des informations sur une Ă©tude et continue tout au long de l\'Ă©tude jusqu\'Ă ce que l\'Ă©tude se termine. Le chercheur et le participant potentiel ont des discussions qui incluent de rĂ©pondre aux questions des participants sur la recherche. Toutes les informations importantes Ă propos de l\'Ă©tude doivent Ă©galement ĂȘtre remises au participant potentiel dans un document Ă©crit qui est clair et facile Ă comprendre. Ce document de consentement Ă©clairĂ© est examinĂ© et approuvĂ© par le ComitĂ© de protection des personnes pour chaque Ă©tude avant d\'ĂȘtre remis aux participants potentiels. GĂ©nĂ©ralement, une personne doit signer un document de consentement Ă©clairĂ© pour s\'inscrire dans une Ă©tude.',
'usage_comment' => '',
'glossary' => '',
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'_version_' => 1507846081754431490,
'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)',
's_attr' =>
(object) array(
'Company' => 'National Library of Medicine',
'Definition' => 'A process in which researchers communicate with potential and enrolled participants about a clinical study. This is when researchers:
# provide all the important information about the study, so that potential participants can decide whether to enroll (or if enrolled, to continue participating);
# ensure that potential participants understand the risks and potential benefits of participating in the study, and the alternatives to the research being conducted; and
# stress that enrolling in (and staying in) a clinical study is completely voluntary. Because giving consent to participate in research is not a contract, participants can leave a study at any time.
The goal of the informed consent process is to protect participants. It begins when a potential participant first asks for information about a study and continues throughout the study until the study ends. The researcher and potential participant have discussions that include answering the participant\'s questions about the research. All the important information about the study must also be given to the potential participant in a written document that is clear and easy to understand. This informed consent document is reviewed and approved by the human subjects review board for a study before it is given to potential participants. Generally, a person must sign an informed consent document to enroll in a study.',
'Industry' => 'Medical devices; Pharmaceutical',
'Part of Speech' => 'noun',
'Product Category' => 'Clinical trials',
'Creation User' => 'elighy',
'Creation Date' => '2012/10/13',
'Term' => 'informed consent',
'Source Lang' => '1180',
's_namespace_text' => 'EN',
's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)',
's_title' => 'informed_consent_ââ',
informed consent
A process in which researchers communicate with potential and enrolled participants about a clinical study. This is when researchers:
# provide all the important information about the study, so that potential participants can decide whether to enroll (or if ...
Consentement éclairé
Un processus dans lequel les chercheurs communiquent avec les participants potentiels et inscrits dans une Ă©tude clinique. Ceci est lorsque les chercheurs : # fournissent toutes les informations importantes concernant l'Ă©tude, de sorte que les participants ...
Medical devices; Clinical trials
(object) array(
'id' => '3898053',
'url' => 'FR/variable_interval_â',
'image' => '',
'title' => 'Intervalle variable',
'tags' =>
array (
0 => 'Intervalle variable',
1 => 'Pharmaceutical',
2 => 'Pharmaceutical intermediates',
3 => '',
'term' => 'Intervalle variable',
'source_id' => 3744244,
'type' => 'term',
'namespace' => 1244,
'nstext' => 'FR',
'industry' =>
array (
0 => 'Pharmaceutical',
'category' =>
array (
0 => 'Pharmaceutical intermediates',
'lastedit' => '20150722105901',
'part_of_speech' => 'noun',
'creation_user' => 'LinguaDiligence',
'special_term' => '',
'definition' => '1) Un programme dans lequel une personne est renforcée par la premiÚre réponse aprÚs qu\'une période de temps variable soit passée depuis le renforcement précédent. Ce programme produit généralement un rythme de réponse uniforme. 2) Un programme de renforcement dans lequel une réponse est renforcée aprÚs qu\'une période de temps variable soit passée. Par exemple, dans un programme IV 30 secondes, l\'intervalle de temps varie entre chaque renforcement, mais l\'intervalle moyen de temps est de 30 secondes.',
'usage_comment' => '',
'glossary' => '',
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'_version_' => 1507393851728330752,
'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)',
's_attr' =>
(object) array(
'Definition' => '1) A schedule in which a person is reinforced for the first response after a varying period of time has passed since the previous reinforcement. This schedule usually causes a person to respond at a uniform rate.
2) A schedule of reinforcement in which one response is reinforced after a variable amount of time has passed. For example, on a VI 30-second schedule, the time to each reinforcement changes but the average time is 30 seconds.',
'Domain' => 'Documentation',
'Industry' => 'Pharmaceutical',
'Part of Speech' => 'noun',
'Product Category' => 'Pharmaceutical intermediates',
'See Also' => 'interval schedules of reinforcement_â',
'Usage Status' => 'New',
'Creation User' => 'lovinbnsingle',
'Creation Date' => '2012/9/5',
'Glossary' => 'MODULE_3_twgid1346807673617222',
'Term' => 'variable interval',
'Source Lang' => '1180',
's_namespace_text' => 'EN',
's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)',
's_title' => 'variable_interval_â',
variable interval
1) A schedule in which a person is reinforced for the first response after a varying period of time has passed since the previous reinforcement. This schedule usually causes a person to respond at a uniform rate.
2) A schedule of reinforcement in which one ...
Intervalle variable
1) Un programme dans lequel une personne est renforcée par la premiÚre réponse aprÚs qu'une période de temps variable soit passée depuis le renforcement précédent. Ce programme produit généralement un rythme de réponse uniforme. 2) Un programme de ...
Pharmaceutical; Pharmaceutical intermediates
(object) array(
'id' => '6230217',
'url' => 'FR/investigational_new_drug_â',
'image' => '',
'title' => 'Nouveau médicament expérimental',
'tags' =>
array (
0 => 'Nouveau médicament expérimental',
1 => 'Medical devices',
2 => 'Pharmaceutical',
3 => 'Clinical trials',
4 => 'National Library of Medicine',
5 => '',
'term' => 'Nouveau médicament expérimental',
'source_id' => 4011789,
'type' => 'term',
'namespace' => 1244,
'nstext' => 'FR',
'industry' =>
array (
0 => 'Medical devices',
1 => 'Pharmaceutical',
'category' =>
array (
0 => 'Clinical trials',
'company' =>
array (
0 => 'National Library of Medicine',
'lastedit' => '20150727104715',
'part_of_speech' => 'noun',
'creation_user' => 'LinguaDiligence',
'special_term' => '',
'definition' => 'Un médicament ou produit biologique qui est utilisé dans un essai clinique, mais pas approuvé par la FDA (soit le médicament n\'est pas disponible pour la prescription par un médecin, soit il est disponible, mais pas approuvé par la FDA pour l\'utilisation en cours d\'étude).',
'usage_comment' => '',
'glossary' => '',
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'_version_' => 1507846081755480066,
'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)',
's_attr' =>
(object) array(
'Company' => 'National Library of Medicine',
'Definition' => 'A drug, or biological product that is used in a clinical trial but has not been approved by the FDA (the drug is either not available for a doctor to prescribe or, is available, but not approved by the FDA for the use being studied).',
'Industry' => 'Medical devices; Pharmaceutical',
'Part of Speech' => 'noun',
'Product Category' => 'Clinical trials',
'Creation User' => 'elighy',
'Creation Date' => '2012/10/13',
'Term' => 'investigational new drug',
'Source Lang' => '1180',
's_namespace_text' => 'EN',
's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)',
's_title' => 'investigational_new_drug_â',
investigational new drug
A drug, or biological product that is used in a clinical trial but has not been approved by the FDA (the drug is either not available for a doctor to prescribe or, is available, but not approved by the FDA for the use being studied).
Nouveau médicament expérimental
Un médicament ou produit biologique qui est utilisé dans un essai clinique, mais pas approuvé par la FDA (soit le médicament n'est pas disponible pour la prescription par un médecin, soit il est disponible, mais pas approuvé par la FDA pour l'utilisation en ...
Medical devices; Clinical trials
(object) array(
'id' => '6228625',
'url' => 'FR/publications_â',
'image' => '',
'title' => 'Publications',
'tags' =>
array (
0 => 'Publications',
1 => 'Medical devices',
2 => 'Pharmaceutical',
3 => 'Clinical trials',
4 => 'National Library of Medicine',
5 => '',
'term' => 'Publications',
'source_id' => 4011325,
'type' => 'term',
'namespace' => 1244,
'nstext' => 'FR',
'industry' =>
array (
0 => 'Medical devices',
1 => 'Pharmaceutical',
'category' =>
array (
0 => 'Clinical trials',
'company' =>
array (
0 => 'National Library of Medicine',
'lastedit' => '20150722110603',
'part_of_speech' => 'noun',
'creation_user' => 'LinguaDiligence',
'special_term' => '',
'definition' => 'Articles ou résumés scientifiques publiés concernant une étude clinique.',
'usage_comment' => '',
'glossary' => '',
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'_version_' => 1507394292251885568,
'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)',
's_attr' =>
(object) array(
'Company' => 'National Library of Medicine',
'Definition' => 'Published scientific articles or abstracts about a clinical study.',
'Industry' => 'Medical devices; Pharmaceutical',
'Part of Speech' => 'noun',
'Product Category' => 'Clinical trials',
'Creation User' => 'elighy',
'Creation Date' => '2012/10/13',
'Term' => 'publications',
'Source Lang' => '1180',
's_namespace_text' => 'EN',
's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)',
's_title' => 'publications_â',
Published scientific articles or abstracts about a clinical study.
Articles ou résumés scientifiques publiés concernant une étude clinique.
Medical devices; Clinical trials
(object) array(
'id' => '5178801',
'url' => 'FR/treatment-naive_â',
'image' => '',
'title' => 'Patient naĂŻf de traitement',
'tags' =>
array (
0 => 'Patient naĂŻf de traitement',
1 => 'Pharmaceutical',
2 => 'Drugs',
3 => 'Tylenol',
4 => '',
'term' => 'Patient naĂŻf de traitement',
'source_id' => 3284753,
'type' => 'term',
'namespace' => 1244,
'nstext' => 'FR',
'industry' =>
array (
0 => 'Pharmaceutical',
'category' =>
array (
0 => 'Drugs',
'product' =>
array (
0 => 'Tylenol',
'lastedit' => '20150721112814',
'part_of_speech' => 'adjective',
'creation_user' => 'LinguaDiligence',
'special_term' => '',
'definition' => '\'Patient naïf de traitement\' ou \'Patient naïf de médicaments\' se réfÚre à quelqu\'un n\'ayant encore jamais pris de traitement contre le VIH. Quelqu\'un qui prend déjà des médicaments est appelé \'patient déjà sous traitement\'.',
'usage_comment' => '',
'glossary' => '',
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'_version_' => 1507305079942676480,
'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)',
's_attr' =>
(object) array(
'Term' => 'treatment-naive',
'Definition' => 'âTreatment-naiveâ or âdrug naiveâ refers to someone who has never used HIV drugs. Someone who has used drugs before is called âtreatment-experiencedâ.',
'Part of Speech' => 'adjective',
'Usage Status' => 'New',
'Industry' => 'Pharmaceutical',
'Product Category' => 'Drugs',
'Product' => 'Tylenol',
'Creation User' => 'Chiara conte',
'Creation Date' => '2012/6/29',
'Source Lang' => '1180',
's_namespace_text' => 'EN',
's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)',
's_title' => 'treatment-naive_â',
âTreatment-naiveâ or âdrug naiveâ refers to someone who has never used HIV drugs. Someone who has used drugs before is called âtreatment-experiencedâ.
Patient naĂŻf de traitement
'Patient naïf de traitement' ou 'Patient naïf de médicaments' se réfÚre à quelqu'un n'ayant encore jamais pris de traitement contre le VIH. Quelqu'un qui prend déjà des médicaments est appelé 'patient déjà sous traitement'.
(object) array(
'id' => '7745839',
'url' => 'FR/investigational_treatment',
'image' => '',
'title' => 'Traitement expérimental',
'tags' =>
array (
0 => 'Traitement expérimental',
1 => 'Pharmaceutical',
2 => 'Clinical trials',
3 => '',
'term' => 'Traitement expérimental',
'source_id' => 1259723,
'type' => 'term',
'namespace' => 1244,
'nstext' => 'FR',
'industry' =>
array (
0 => 'Pharmaceutical',
'category' =>
array (
0 => 'Clinical trials',
'lastedit' => '20150721084114',
'part_of_speech' => 'noun',
'creation_user' => 'LinguaDiligence',
'special_term' => '',
'definition' => 'Le nouveau médicament ou thérapie testé dans l\'essai clinique.',
'usage_comment' => '',
'glossary' => '',
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'_version_' => 1507294573052821506,
'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)',
's_attr' =>
(object) array(
'Term' => 'investigational treatment',
'Definition' => 'The new drug or therapy being tested in the clinical trial.',
'Part of Speech' => 'noun',
'Usage Status' => 'New',
'Synonym' => 'experimental_treatment',
'Industry' => 'Pharmaceutical',
'Product Category' => 'Clinical trials',
'Creation User' => 'John Martin',
'Creation Date' => '2011/5/16',
'Source Lang' => '1180',
's_namespace_text' => 'EN',
's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)',
's_title' => 'investigational_treatment',
investigational treatment
The new drug or therapy being tested in the clinical trial.
Traitement expérimental
Le nouveau médicament ou thérapie testé dans l'essai clinique.
Pharmaceutical; Clinical trials
(object) array(
'id' => '7745836',
'url' => 'FR/informed_consent_â',
'image' => '',
'title' => 'Consentement éclairé',
'tags' =>
array (
0 => 'Consentement éclairé',
1 => 'Pharmaceutical',
2 => 'Clinical trials',
3 => '',
'term' => 'Consentement éclairé',
'source_id' => 1259720,
'type' => 'term',
'namespace' => 1244,
'nstext' => 'FR',
'industry' =>
array (
0 => 'Pharmaceutical',
'category' =>
array (
0 => 'Clinical trials',
'lastedit' => '20150721084111',
'part_of_speech' => 'noun',
'creation_user' => 'LinguaDiligence',
'special_term' => '',
'definition' => 'Un processus afin de s\'assurer que les patients volontaires comprennent tous les risques associés à la participation à un essai clinique tels que les effets indésirables et choisissent de participer sans coercition ni pression de quiconque. Le chercheur principal ou de ses associés sont tenus d\'expliquer l\'étude attentivement et répondre à toutes les questions d\'un participant avant l\'essai clinique.',
'usage_comment' => '',
'glossary' => '',
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'_version_' => 1507294573052821505,
'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)',
's_attr' =>
(object) array(
'Term' => 'informed consent',
'Definition' => 'A process to ensure that patient volunteers understand all the risks associated participating in a clinical trial such as adverse side effects and are choosing to participate without coercion or pressure from anyone. The principal investigator or his or her associates are required to explain the study carefully and answer all questions of a participant before the clinical trial.',
'Part of Speech' => 'noun',
'Usage Status' => 'New',
'Industry' => 'Pharmaceutical',
'Product Category' => 'Clinical trials',
'Creation User' => 'John Martin',
'Creation Date' => '2011/5/16',
'Source Lang' => '1180',
's_namespace_text' => 'EN',
's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)',
's_title' => 'informed_consent_â',
informed consent
A process to ensure that patient volunteers understand all the risks associated participating in a clinical trial such as adverse side effects and are choosing to participate without coercion or pressure from anyone. The principal investigator or his or her ...
Consentement éclairé
Un processus afin de s'assurer que les patients volontaires comprennent tous les risques associés à la participation à un essai clinique tels que les effets indésirables et choisissent de participer sans coercition ni pression de quiconque. Le chercheur ...
Pharmaceutical; Clinical trials
(object) array(
'id' => '6230216',
'url' => 'FR/primary_purpose',
'image' => '',
'title' => 'Objectif principal',
'tags' =>
array (
0 => 'Objectif principal',
1 => 'Medical devices',
2 => 'Pharmaceutical',
3 => 'Clinical trials',
4 => 'National Library of Medicine',
5 => '',
'term' => 'Objectif principal',
'source_id' => 4011788,
'type' => 'term',
'namespace' => 1244,
'nstext' => 'FR',
'industry' =>
array (
0 => 'Medical devices',
1 => 'Pharmaceutical',
'category' =>
array (
0 => 'Clinical trials',
'company' =>
array (
0 => 'National Library of Medicine',
'lastedit' => '20150727104714',
'part_of_speech' => 'noun',
'creation_user' => 'LinguaDiligence',
'special_term' => '',
'definition' => 'L\'une des raisons principales de l\'essai clinique. Les types d\'objectifs principaux incluent le traitement, la prévention, le diagnostic, les soins de soutien, le dépistage, la recherche sur les services de santé, et la science de base.',
'usage_comment' => '',
'glossary' => '',
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'_version_' => 1507846081755480065,
'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)',
's_attr' =>
(object) array(
'Company' => 'National Library of Medicine',
'Definition' => 'The one main reason for the clinical trial. Types of primary purposes include treatment, prevention, diagnostic, supportive care, screening, health services research, and basic science.',
'Industry' => 'Medical devices; Pharmaceutical',
'Part of Speech' => 'noun',
'Product Category' => 'Clinical trials',
'Creation User' => 'elighy',
'Creation Date' => '2012/10/13',
'Term' => 'primary purpose',
'Source Lang' => '1180',
's_namespace_text' => 'EN',
's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)',
's_title' => 'primary_purpose',
primary purpose
The one main reason for the clinical trial. Types of primary purposes include treatment, prevention, diagnostic, supportive care, screening, health services research, and basic science.
Objectif principal
L'une des raisons principales de l'essai clinique. Les types d'objectifs principaux incluent le traitement, la prévention, le diagnostic, les soins de soutien, le dépistage, la recherche sur les services de santé, et la science de base.
Medical devices; Clinical trials
(object) array(
'id' => '3898056',
'url' => 'FR/variable_ratio_â',
'image' => '',
'title' => 'Proportion variable',
'tags' =>
array (
0 => 'Proportion variable',
1 => 'Pharmaceutical',
2 => 'Pharmaceutical intermediates',
3 => '',
'term' => 'Proportion variable',
'source_id' => 3744260,
'type' => 'term',
'namespace' => 1244,
'nstext' => 'FR',
'industry' =>
array (
0 => 'Pharmaceutical',
'category' =>
array (
0 => 'Pharmaceutical intermediates',
'lastedit' => '20150722105908',
'part_of_speech' => 'noun',
'creation_user' => 'LinguaDiligence',
'special_term' => '',
'definition' => '1) Un programme de renforcement basé sur la réponse dans lequel le nombre de réponses requises pour un renforcement varie aprÚs que chaque renforçateur est présenté. Le nombre moyen de réponses est utilisé pour indexer le programme. Par exemple, un rat peut appuyer sur un levier de renforcement 50 fois, puis 150, 70, 30, et 200. En ajoutant ces besoins de réponse pour un total de 500, puis en divisant par le nombre de réponses distinctes apportées (5), on obtient la valeur du programme, PV 100. 2) Un programme dans lequel une personne est renforcée en effectuant une réponse seulement aprÚs avoir effectué un nombre variable de ces réponses sans renforcement. Ce programme induit généralement un rythme élevé et uniforme. Il produit le plus haut rythme de réponses pour les programmes simples.',
'usage_comment' => '',
'glossary' => '',
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'_version_' => 1507393851744059393,
'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)',
's_attr' =>
(object) array(
'Definition' => '1) A response-based schedule of reinforcement in which the number of responses required for reinforcement changes after each reinforcer is presented. The average number of responses is used to index the schedule. For example, a rat may press a lever for reinforcement 50 times, then 150, 70, 30, and 200. Adding these response requirements for a total of 500, then dividing by the number of separate response runs (5), yields the schedule value, VR 100.
2) A schedule in which people are reinforced for making a response only after they have made a varying number of those responses without reinforcement. This schedule usually causes people to work at a high and uniform rate of speed. It produces the highest rate of responding of the simple schedules.',
'Domain' => 'Documentation',
'Industry' => 'Pharmaceutical',
'Part of Speech' => 'noun',
'Product Category' => 'Pharmaceutical intermediates',
'See Also' => 'ratio schedules of reinforcement_â',
'Usage Status' => 'New',
'Creation User' => 'lovinbnsingle',
'Creation Date' => '2012/9/5',
'Glossary' => 'MODULE_3_twgid1346807673617222',
'Term' => 'variable ratio',
'Source Lang' => '1180',
's_namespace_text' => 'EN',
's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)',
's_title' => 'variable_ratio_â',
variable ratio
1) A response-based schedule of reinforcement in which the number of responses required for reinforcement changes after each reinforcer is presented. The average number of responses is used to index the schedule. For example, a rat may press a lever for ...
Proportion variable
1) Un programme de renforcement basé sur la réponse dans lequel le nombre de réponses requises pour un renforcement varie aprÚs que chaque renforçateur est présenté. Le nombre moyen de réponses est utilisé pour indexer le programme. Par exemple, un rat peut ...
Pharmaceutical; Pharmaceutical intermediates